Mother Gaia Animal Rescue
Fostering Animals in Need
Mother Gaia Animal Rescue is a foster-based 501(c)(3) rescue organization. Without foster homes, we cannot help abandoned animals find their forever homes. Foster families are the lifeline of rescue work, and we need your help to save the lives of homeless animals in our community and beyond.
When you foster for MGAR, you provide vital information to potential adopters regarding the behavior and needs of the animal in your care. We always ensure the foster home gets the final say in the approval of an adoption, making sure your voice is always heard. Foster homes get to know the behavior and personality of the animal in their care, and give MGAR detailed information regarding what lifestyle would best fit that particular pet.
Fostering is a life changing adventure, for your family and for the animals you are able to save. Please consider opening up your home to an animal in need as we provide the support necessary to find these animals their forever home.
To complete a foster application, click the appropriate link below.
Foster homes are responsible for the housing and care of the animal they foster. Typically, this involves the cost of feeding, as well as the crate (for dogs) and litter box supplies (for cats). If you need assistance providing these items, please contact us today to discuss your situation. Mother Gaia Animal Rescue provides the veterinary care and any necessary training/behavior modification for the pet you are fostering. However, as we are a nonprofit, requests for veterinary care and training must be approved beforehand. All foster homes must undergo pre-screening to ensure that the foster animal is allowed on the property, and that the housing and care is adequate for the animal. If you have any questions regarding this process, please reach out!